The Beach

The beach has a feel to it
That there’s a great beyond
A sort of freedom that makes you wonder what excitement and adventure lie ahead

Particles of sand between my toes
Castles I build on sand I know are transient
To those built in the air
Washed away by an enthusiastic wave

A couple pass by
Picking up cockles and mussels washed ashore
Nonchalantly skipping past with a breeze
Your venting, dear, doesn’t change the fact
I own this space

This might be my shore
But there’s a shore for others too
Where the molecules of my shore touches yours
A commonality that seems obscure

The Cat

The Cat

He’s back
Oh finally!
Left all alone, I didn’t know what to do
With myself

What does he expect me to do
Jump around like that miserable dog?
Doing that opprobrious act would be my end
I’m a collected, refined piece of art

I hold my head high
Take each step with majestic grace
Walk over to him
And graze his shin with my back

Deeper Axe Grinds

So I was talking with a friend and this conversation ensued…

Him: That’s life, you have to make the most of it with the people you love while you can or they leave and you never know what might have been…

Me: Real talk.

Him: I learn from the best.

Me: Man, I’ve also learned a lot from u.

Him: Well, pay up, ’cause I find that hard to believe.

Me: You don’t pay me, lol.

Him: You say you’ve learned from me and I find that hard to believe so pay up; ’cause I don’t know what I’ve been teaching you.

Me: Well, we all learn from each other whether we realise it or not. The brain retains much information. Even ur most obnoxious enemy has been a great teacher to you….

Then, My mental workshop sprung into action, analysing each word. Creating multiple scenarios and arguing points before the argument commence. Or is he gonna agree with me? If he does, wouldn’t I have lost a great opportunity to think deep and verbally support my train of thought? Which also means I’ll have to practice my writing skills while doing so. At the end I’ll be happier, innit??

Then I see the realisation dawn on me! That’s why you love to argue. You believe you learn better that way and you love the adrenaline rush, the locking of horns, the pushing of ideas. You are super idealistic and might probably not thrive in a very structured, pragmatic place. Geeez! Merde!

It goes on and on! Still I love my mind and always love a great duel. Friends and foes may agree.

I believe we should all fight fair, get a worthy opponent; pick on your own size and go all out. Winning in that scenario leaves a better aftertaste!

Best believe…

I have come to realise
Reality isn’t what it used to be
And I see the family
Gathered here
Trynna figure out
what amendments to make
Surely u know
Ur indictment is here

I believe in you
Oh I do
I believe you’re strong
You’ve been around for so long
I believe your dreams will come true
If you just do you

Nothing matters more to me
Than to see you achieve
To mount unto that dais
The rostrum of your glory
For all the work you put in this
Now’s the time for perfect bliss

I know, I know
You doubt each step
You question yourself
If only you were more
More than all your hindrances!

Now the family sees your work
Are they impressed? You wonder
Is this really the end of it all
You don’t have to fear
All the ones in here
We do believe in you
We’re rooting for you
You’re gonna make us proud!

A Birthday Message

Dear Mia,

Have you ever stopped to behold the beauty of nature:
How the river flows so effortlessly
The clouds aren’t in a rush, but just float with the wind
How the stars just glimmer and seem to wink at you?

Well, I have…
And I have seen another beauty
One that rivals nature
And it’s you Mia!

Your radiant smile lights up lives, putting the sun to shame
Your warm embrace makes the moonlight seem less awesome
Your caring persona cools better than the gentle breeze
Your sweet singing voice makes the nightingale jealous

Every day I know you, I wonder how pure a heart can be
(And I’ve known you all my days, by the way)
I could write a novel about you
But I’ll just keep it simple and true


The Curse of Giftedness

I have been evading this topic since antiquity. Addressing this is somehow unnerving for me due to the various expected reactions I’m gonna receive, but I’ll go through with it. It’s been exceedingly burdensome to me. I’m dropping this weight. I expect to receive criticism, but I could care less now.

Many times we avoid talking about intelligence because we feel others might get sensitive, but do others really care about the sensitivities of the gifted? Do you really know what’s running in that brilliant child’s mind when he sits all alone? Gifted children never fit in, though they try a lot. They really try! Why would a child prefer the company of adults? Or why does a child seem to have whimsical ideas that seem out of place? Does he daydream and run into walls? Does he scribble notes or hide behind a novel? Find him and help him!

Here goes…..

I recognized early on in my life that I was different from other kids. Not that everyone doesn’t feel different. But this was a different kind of different. I stuck out like a sore thumb. I wasn’t interested in the games other kids played or their discussions sounded too childish for me. I liked being by myself, I had my own self-made games I played. I was very critical of things people do and I had a strong sense of right and wrong. No achievement was too much for me. Topping the class meant nothing to me (that was for my mum and still is); what mattered was that I missed some questions that I knew I know but might have forgotten during the course of the exam. I didn’t try to pass, hardly studied in elementary school. I learned all I needed in the classroom. I was the teacher challenger and I thrive on asking the difficult questions. The “what ifs..”, “what about this?”, “why not”. Or give comments like, “that method is too long…why not take a shorter route” especially in math class, where I have been penalized several times for inventing my own methods of solving problems.

Back when I was in class 6, my class teacher told me I had a high IQ and that I might be gifted. That startled me because I thought I wasn’t that smart at all. I had a low self-esteem. Mr Conteh (deceased) suggested I go for so many school quizzes and other mental competitions. That helped put me out there. Before long, I had a spike of popularity.

I loved school because I had an opportunity to learn new things. My only problem I had with school was that I didn’t want to be boxed in. Learning is too structured and linear. School’s not for everyone, I concluded. There are many who don’t enjoy school because they are creative, unconventional or untraditional. The system needs to create a niche for them, or at least accept and help them.


“Oh, if I’ll just be noticed for my talents
Picked out of the crowd for my uniqueness”, the boy wonders
Only if!

“Oh, if I’ll be chosen by the richest, most handsome man around
And honoured like a queen”, the maiden ponders
Only if!

“The world is a stage”, says Shakespeare
We come, play our part, and we leave!
It still makes one wonder
What chance does one have against the world over?
Only if!

With billions in the race
The sheer unimportance of one individual becomes evident
A question arises on the horizon
Are we really individuals, or statistics?
We wish we are individuals
Only if!

With the probability stacked against us
We still have great courage to trouble the waters with our dreams
Dreams that we will top the food chain
That recognition is almost in reach
It borders on fame!
Only if!

We strive to thrive in a world with nothing new under the sun
Our talents, our gifts, our willpower, our strength, our intelligence…
It’s all been pre-lived
Are we unicorns or unique horns?
Only if!

Only if we could best everyone in our field
Crush the enemy and rise on the dais
Then with medals and laurels our dreams will be achieved
Our struggles gone

If it be so, then why the bother?
You need not fight
You’re a kingfisher and your uniqueness will come through

As you swim against the current

Unearth My Soul

Trying to keep up appearances

making up for his differences

he projects a yielding demeanor

a mask to his tenacious nature

he upholds the law

which he so badly detests

he notices every flaw

the latest trends he keeps abreast


The soul is a raging storm

which he always keeps censored

though he tries to conform

through his eyes, all is measured

he gets disapproval

with this shell’s removal

therefore his secret he withholds

and darkness is his abode.


His soul seeks absolution

and he suppresses his emotions

his power is fully expressed

when his emotions, he doesn’t repress

He moves to a land unknown

where his soul is finally free

he became a man of renown

someone his peers wanted to be!


He seeks a worthy partner

one who would match his passion

she must be smart and fair

the eccentric female, an original version

he gets the lady that takes away his breath

and through her he achieves the little death

with broken celibacy he achieves his goals

saying softly to her “Unearth my soul”.










The Hermit

Spinning a web of intricacies
Never felt so hard
The web of connections go loose
With one pull of the string
With the web gone
How do I reach out?
Withdrawal lurks
It dawns on me

I read somewhere
Another meaning of “hermit”
A hummingbird in a forest
Ain’t it free to create its web?
Shoot, no! I fit another description
No flying free for me
I caged myself in solitary confinement
I spin a new thread

I venture out, albeit slowly
Lentement, s’il vous plait!
White threads I bring
Connection is key
I smile, sunlight kisses my skin
We talk, we bathe in laughter all day long
Who knows how long again
Before my thread breaks?

Singing; a passion!


As a kid growing up in a Christian family church was a part of my life. It was considered routine to attend church every Sunday. For me church was great ’cause I got a lot of interesting stories to chew on. I loved these stories as they spoke of the human condition, which got me interested as I wanted to know how and why people do what they do.

I also had a thing for music. I was really curious about how people produced those beautiful sounds. They were so ethereal to me. I would usually stare in wonder as worship goes on in church and my mum would just tap me back to reality. I actually don’t remember a specific incident that sparked my interest in singing…uh, yeah i don’t. So, I decided I had to join the children’s choir and started attending choir practice on Saturday evenings. During my stay in the children’s choir, I got some lead roles that were very important to !e at the time. I’d actually practice a lot at home and cared a lot about being the best chorister that I would be given lead role every single time. I tried, I really did but there were kids who seemingly sang better, effortlessly. I was broken. I wanted to be recognised as the best. That didn’t happen. Later on, because.of my commitment and effort, I was considered one of the best kids in the choir. It was such an achievement for me! I did it!


Years later, in high school I joined the school choir. I was knocks down several times by my peers. They thought I just couldn’t sing. What! My self esteem was becoming precariously balanced on my scale of stability and pride. I was deeply hurt. The worst thing was that I actually believed what was said about me. I later discovered that at 15 puberty had hit and had made my voice deeper. For me, singing deeply wasn’t singing at all ’cause I was used to singing really high. Thus, I was stressed out! “How do I restore my voice?” I asked myself. I surfed google for answers. It really helped me. By my final year in high school I sang the lead at the school’s prize giving ceremony. I was swollen with pride. I had crushed my enemies. Victory!


Getting into college, I met some very great singers. Some inspired me, others I had to befriend. I then discovered I had only mastered vibrato and had to teach myself a lot about other tricks in music to catch up with my friends. I thought I was a mediocre singer. I was afraid of singing with them ’cause I thought they might discover my issues. After some practice though, they encouraged me to continue singing and that I had a great voice. I was shocked! Positively though. I continued singing and I felt I fit in. I had improved tremendously. Unisa and Samuel, thanks. You helped me a lot.

Now I’m very comfortable with my singing and happy about it.

Please share your own stories in the comments or you can write something you’re passionate about in your own boo. Thanks!